Société d'Études Interdisciplinaires sur les Femmes au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance

Upcoming events
- 2019 Seminar Le genre au Moyen Âge (Paris, EHESS)
March 14 2019, 13h
Masculinité et culture politique dans l’Europe médiévale
Charles de Miramon (CRH, CNRS/EHESS) and Christopher Fletcher (IRHIS, Université de Lille / CNRS)
April 11 2019, 13h:
Les études de genre au Moyen Âge: regards des théologiens, médecins et juristes médiévaux sur les hermaphrodites
Christof Rolker (Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg)
Questions intersexes et êtres de la marginalité au Moyen Âge: l'"Hermaphrodite" de la cathédrale de Modène dans son lieu, Chloé Maillet (CRH, EHESS)
About the Society
The Société d’Études Interdisciplinaires sur les Femmes au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance* is a nonprofit association under the Loi of 1901.
Studies dedicated to the role of women in history have, by and large, grown in popularity in the past few decades. Research in this field, however, has not progressed in an altogether homogenous manner. On the contrary, it has presented considerable imbalances with regard to context and geography, as well as in the various aspects, themes and research angles that this very broad domain encompasses...
Recent Symposia & Publications

Medieval Women and the Arts. Literacy, Education, and Visual Culture
International workshop. Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

July 2-5, 2018
Sponsored sessions Gears of Memory: Reading, Learning, and Writing in the Nunnery.
International Medieval Congress 2018, Leeds